Our Company
Our approach to financial planning is straight forward. We focus on becoming your partner in working towards the financial results you desire. As we work together, we thoroughly explain the investment strategies recommended, so that you'll be fully comfortable with all aspects of your investment program. Every decision we make will be focused on the results you desire.
The decision to hire a professional financial team should take into account the quality and professionalism of the firm that stands behind them.
In choosing to do business with our team, you are also doing business with LPL Financial.
It is important that you understand how our team's relationship with LPL Financial benefits you by providing us the tools and resources to execute our mission to serve clients to the best of our abilities.
To learn about LPL Financial, please click on the LPL Financial link at the top of the page or visit their website at www.lpl.com
J.Michael Woodruff, Managing Partner/Investment Specialist
"Our approach is straight forward. By activily managing each account, we are able to quickly make changes to adapt to the current environment. This way we try to manage downside risk, while capitalizing on upside returns."
TOM HICKMAN, Managing Partner/Wealth Strategist
"Our relationship with clients is very important to us. The advice we offer will always be honest and appropriate for each individual's ever changing needs. My true success is measured by the success of my clients."